Ph 09 222 01 28 9:00am - 5:00pm weekdays
Courier Service World Wide Delivery
When you do business anywhere and everywhere in the world, Courier-it international, point-to-point service* can help you stay on top of things and save money. Booking is fast and simple.
Once we have registred you with Customs, every time you send a parcel we conveniently manage all the documentation, all you need to do is upload your commercial invoice. You can sit back and relax knowing that your most recent sales are speeding on their way to your customers safe and sound.
Best of all, we can help you conquer the world for about 40% less than your typical post shop.
*Please be aware that this service currently applies to parcels only. We do not handle shipping containers entering and/or leaving the country
Booking is simple
Login and go to the INTERNATIONAL page.
Enter the address details for delivery. Alternatively get the delivery address field auto populated if you pulled your order through from your E-commerce, Accounting and ERP software. For more information about integrations click here.
Add the weight, packaging dimensions and declare the goods you are sending.
Print your courier label, stick the label on your package and the courier company will get notified and come to collect on their next round.
You will see live accurate rates upon booking, be prepared as you will be shocked…
Paperwork? Once we have registered you with Customs, all you have to do is submit your commercial product invoice upon booking, we take care of the other paperwork.
This international courier service is integrated in the Courier-it system that means that delivery addresses can be pulled through from your E-commerce, Accounting and ERP software.
Online tracking will show you where your parcel is at any given time.