Ph 09 222 01 28 9:00am - 5:00pm weekdays
Delivering Parcels since 2013
We know that your business depends on its ability to get things where they’re going quickly and cost-effectively. That’s why those of us at Courier-it thought long and hard about how to improve the shipping process for those who use it most, then came up with a better way to deliver. But how?
Well… we’ve teamed up with some of the best names in the business, so we can offer greater, more affordable expertise over a wider range of services. We also work with your existing business systems to help you deliver your products faster, cheaper, and without the added hassle some courier companies put customers through.
In short, at Courier it, we’ve streamlined shipping so you can do what you do even better. We’ve made it our mission to prevent parcel problems, stop shipping snags, and send delivery drama the way of the dinosaurs.
And so far, we’re pretty sure we’re doing things right!